Join us at our ELR Info Session!

Did you know that 95% of legal employers believe law grads lack key research skills when hired? Fortunately, you can be part of the 5%! But how?

The Law Library Faculty at TTU Law offers a fully online, nationally recognized extracurricular program in legal research. The ‘Excellence in Legal Research’ Program provides hands-on training in the skills, sources, and strategies students need to perform effective legal research throughout their careers.

LP Research Workshops are a great starting point, but law grads need additional research training to succeed in practice. With ELR, students have the opportunity to hone and further practice the skills learned in LP while also learning advanced and specialized research skills, such as advanced searching, court practice, dockets, legislative history, and more.

With the advancement of generative AI and the forthcoming NextGen Bar Exam, legal research is evolving rapidly. Our ELR curriculum seeks to ensure that students graduate with the analytical research skills necessary to succeed on the NextGen Bar Exam as well as significant knowledge of how legal research is changing in the face of AI. The Program offers training in legal research analysis, legal analytics, emerging legal research technologies, and so much more.

Want to learn more about how our ELR Program can help you to become a part of the 5%? Join us for an info session on Friday, Nov. 10 @ noon in Lanier. Food will be provided for the first 75 attendees. We hope to see you there!

If you would like to register for our ELR Program, you can do so here!

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