January 2021 Law Faculty Publications & News

Throughout the month of January, the Law Library received alerts for full-time TTU Law Faculty publications and news. Below is a compilation of those daily alerts for January 1st to January 31st, 2021.

Articles, Essays, & Books

1. Gerry W. Beyer, Estate Planning & Probate Law, Tex. B.J., Jan. 2021, at 33.

2. Gerry W. Beyer, Marital Property and Homesteads (2020-2021 Supplements to Volumes & 39 of the Texas Practice Series).

3. Brian D. Shannon, Texas Mental Health Legislative Reform: Significant Achievements With More To Come, 53 Tex. Tech L. Rev. 99 (2020).

4. Arnold H. Loewy, The Strange Case of Timothy Hennis: How Should It Be Resolved, 53 Tex. Tech L. Rev. 1 (2020).

5. Gerry W. Beyer, A Safe Harbor in the Medicaid Adventure: Lady Bird and Transfer on Death Deeds, 46 ACTEC L.J. 3 (2020).

6. Gerry W. Beyer, Cyber Estate Planning and Administration, Est. Plan., Jan. 2021, at 28.

7. Gerry W. Beyer, ed., Keeping Current—Probate, Prob. & Prop., Jan./Feb. 2021, at 30.

8. Jamie J. Baker, The Intersectionality of Law Librarianship & Gender, 65 Vill. L. Rev. 1011 (2020).

9. Gerry W. Beyer, 2020 Year In Review: Estate Planning and Probate Law, 83 Tex. B. J. 33 (2021).


1. Prof Loewy, It’s Debatable: Should Lame Duck Period Be Reduced to Smooth Transitions?, Lubbock Avalanche-Journal (January 10, 2021; 3:53a) https://www.lubbockonline.com/story/opinion/columns/2021/01/10/its-debatable-should-lame-duck-period-reduced-smooth-transitions/6603931002/

2. Prof. Loewy, It’s Debatable: Should Sen. Cruz Be Expelled From Senate for Reemarks? Lubbock Avalanvhe-Journal (January 24, 2021; 4:59a) https://www.lubbockonline.com/story/opinion/2021/01/24/its-debatable-should-senator-ted-cruz-expelled-senate/4231895001/


1. Prof. Beyer’s book Real Estate Transactions 3d, is cited in the following article: Lawrence A. Frolik, Appropriate Housing for Older Clients, 46 ACTEC L.J. 53 (2020).

2. Prof. Beyer’s article Electronic Wills- What Estate Planners Need To Know is cited in the following article: Naman Anand & Dikshi Arora, Where There is a Will, There Is No Way: Covid 19 and A Case For The Recognition of E-Wills in India and Other Common Law Jurisdictions, 27 ILSA J. Int’l & Comp. L. 77 (2021).

3. Prof. Casto’s article The Origins of Federal Admiralty Juridsiction in an Age of Privateers, Smugglers, and Pirates is cited in the following article: Thomas J. Snyder, My Car Is My Castle: The Failed Historical Roots of the Vehicle Exception to the Fourth Amendment, 93 S. Cal. L. Rev. 987 (2020).

4. Prof. Casto’s article The Supreme Court in the Early Republic is cited in the following article: Jackson Bowker, The Issue of Condemning State Owned Property Pursuant to the Natural Gas Act: In Re Penneast, 41 Energy L.J. 403 (2020).

5. Prof. Gonzalez’ article At The Intersection of Religious Organization Missions and Employment Laws: The Case of Minister Employment Suits is cited in the following article: Jeremy Weese, The (Un)Holy Shield: Rethinking the Ministerial Exception, 67 UCLA L. Rev. 1320 (2020).

6. Prof. Murphy’s book Administrative Law and Practice is cited in the following article: Joshua Knobe & Scott Shapiro, Proximate Cause Explained: An Essay In Experimental Jurisprudence, 88 U. Chi. L. Rev. 165 (2021).

7. Prof. Benham’s article Tangled Incentives: Proportionality and the Market for Reputational Harm is cited in the following article: Garth A. Molander, Do Elder Law Practitioners and the American Legal Profession Need an Ethical Confidentiality Rule or Can Both Do Without an ABA Model Rule 1.6?, 2020-201602 National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys Journal (2021).

8. Prof. Chiappinelli’s article The Underappreciated Importance of Personal Jurisdiction in Delaware’s Success is cited in the following article: Joel E. Friedlander, Performing Equity: Why Court of Chancery Transcript Rulings Are Law, U of Penn, Inst for Law & Econ Research Paper No. 20-58 (2021).

9. Prof. Murphy’s article Separation of Powers and the Horizontal Force of Precedent is cited in the following article: Cody Ray Milner, Into The Multiverse: Replacing The Intelligible Principle Standard With A Modern Multi-Theory of Nondelegation, 28 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 395 (2020).

10.  Prof. Chiappinelli’s article The Myth of Director Consent: After Shaffer, Beyond Nicastro is cited in the following article: Megan Wischmeier Shaner, Privately Ordered Fiduciaries, 28 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 354 (2020).

11. Prof. Chiappinelli’s article The Underappreciated Importance of Personal Jurisdiction in Delaware’s Success is cited in the following article: Megan Wischmeier Shaner, Privately Ordered Fiduciaries, 28 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 354 (2020).

12. Prof Murphy’s article Evidence? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Evidence!: How Ambiguity in Some States’ Anti-SLAPP Laws Threatens to De-Fang a Popular and Powerful Weapon Against Frivolous Litigation is cited in the following article: Chase Holt & Daniel Simons, Rico As A Case Study In Weaponizing Defamation and the International Response to Corporate Censorship, 9 J. Int’l Media & Ent. L. 1 (2020-2021).

13. Prof. Gossett’s article “[Take Us from Our] Wretched Refuse”: The Deportation of America’s Adoptees, is cited in the following article: Lisa A. Tucker, From Contract Rights To Contact Rights: Rethinking The Paradigm for Post-Adoption Contact Agreements, 100 B.U. L. Rev. 2317 (2020).

14. Prof. Christopher’s article Putting Legal Writing on the Tenure Track: One School’s Experience is cited in the following article: Jamie J. Baker, The Intersectionality of Law Librarianship & Gender, 65 Vill. L. Rev. 1011 (2020).

15. Prof. Baker’s article A Legal Research Odyssey: Artificial Intelligence as a Disruptor is cited in the following article: Nicholas Mignanelli, Citing Legal Research: Who Needs It?, 112 Law Library Journal 327 (2020).

16. A multitude of Prof. Beyer’s works, including Slayer Statutes from State to State and Texas Wills and Estates: Cases and Materials are cited in the following article: Macie Alcoser, Spousal Abuse Disqualification Statute: It’s Time To Protect Other Victims, 13 Est. Plan. & Community Prop. L.J. 269 (2020).

17. A multitude of Prof. Beyer’s works including Estate Planning Highlights of the 2017 Legislature and An Estate Planner’s Guide to the Uniform Partition of Heirs Property Act are cited in the following article: R. Shaun Rainey, Uniform Partition of Heirs’ Property Act: Partition With an Acetate Overlay, 13 Est. Plan. & Community Prop. L.J. 233 (2020).

18. A multitude of Prof. Beyer’s works including Estate Plans: The Durable Power of Attorney for Property Management and Texas Law of Wills is cited in the following article: Lauren Davis Hunt, Christopher T. Hodge, & Brian T. Thompson, Alternatives to Tortious Interference with Inheritance, 13 Est. Plan. & Community Prop. L.J. 59 (2020).


1. Prof. Metze is quoted in the following article: Caitlin Randle, Lawyers Discuss Charges Against Jenny Cudd and Eliel Rosa in Capitol Mob, Midland Reporter-Telegram (January 15, 2021; 6:36p)


1. Prof. Sutton is mentioned in the article President Schovanec Discusses COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout in The Daily Toreador, discussing the formation of a committee to organize the process of vaccine distribution at Texas Tech.

2. Associate Dean Humphrey was elected as the Chair-Elect of the Associate Deans for Academic Affairs & Research section of AALS.

3. On January 20, 2021, Prof. Brian Shannon was reappointed to a second term on the Texas Judicial Commission on Mental Health.

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