Faces of the Library: Sherry Coffman

What advice would you give to our students? 

Law school is totally different than what you’ve experienced before.  So, remember to “teach yourself” by learning to identify and solve problems in a different way.    AND the law library is always here for you.  We want to see you succeed. 😊

What is your position at the Law Library? 

Acquisitions and Circulation

How Long have you worked here? 

Oh, not that long, just almost 33 years.

What is your favorite part of working for the TTU Law Library? 

Interacting with the students.  Also, purchasing new books for our collection.  AND I work with some awesome co-workers!

Where is your favorite place to eat out in Lubbock? 

I don’t eat out much.  But some of the restaurants I’ve enjoyed are Orlando’s, Stella’s,  Longhorn Steak House, & Abuelo’s

Name your favorite thing to do on a Friday in Lubbock (First Friday, etc, something unique to Lubbock that 1Ls wouldn’t know)? 

The Buddy Holly Center has tons of shows that come to Lubbock.  Concerts, Plays, you name it.  We have some great wineries in town, Burklee Hill, English Newson’s, Llano Estacado, McPherson’s Bolen, and Farmhouse, among others. 

What is your favorite movie that has come out this year? 

The most recent one I’ve seen was this past summer with my granddaughter.  She wanted to see Elemental, and it was a cute movie.

Who, in your opinion, is the best musical artist you’ve seen in Lubbock? 

That’s tricky because I’ve seen TONS of shows.  But the most recent one that I totally enjoyed was Alice Cooper.  I’m old school and LOVE me some good ole classic rock, but also enjoy other genres.  Lubbock has some great local talent you can see at some of our bars and restaurants.

What are your hobbies? 

Baking, crafting, gardening, flowers mostly, enjoying good spirits and wines, and seeing concerts.

Which sport is the most fun to watch at Texas Tech? 

Love sports, but not much of a Tech fan.  The sports I enjoy are whatever my grandchildren are in, and they keep me hopping. 

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