December 2023 Law Faculty Publications & News

Throughout the month of December, the Law Library received alerts for full-time TTU Law Faculty publications and news. Below is a compilation of those daily alerts for December 1st to December 31st, 2023.


  1. Charles P. Bubany, Mistakes With the Mistake Defense in Texas Criminal Law, 54 St. Mary’s L.J. 1 (2023).
  2. William R. Casto, The Effectiveness of Customary International Law: Stephen Lushington and the Trent Affair, 22 Wash. U. Global Stud. L. Rev. 1 (2023).
  3. Geoffrey S. Corn, The Case for Attempted Perfidy: An “Attempt” to Enhance Deterrent Value, 13 J. Nat’l Security L. & Pol’y 401 (2023).


  1. Prof. Baker’s article Beyond the Information Age: The Duty of Technology Competence in the Algorithmic Society is cited in the following article: Carla L. Reyes, Emerging Technology’s Language Wars: Smart Contracts, 2023 Wis. L. Rev. Forward 85 (2023).
  2. Prof. Baker’s article The Intersectionality of Law Librarianship & Gender is cited in the following article: Lee R. Little, Work Hard and Die Poor: The History of Law Libraries in Indiana, 57 Ind. L. Rev. 97 (2023).
  3. Prof. Benham’s article Beyond Congress’s Reach: Constitutional Aspects of Inherent Power is cited in the following article: Robert J. Pushaw & Charles Silver, The Unconstitutional Assertion of Inherent Powers in Multidistrict Litigations, 48 B.Y.U. L. Rev. 1869 (2023).
  4. Prof. Beyer’s article Pet Animals: What Happens When Their Humans Die? is cited in the following article: Lynda Wray Black, Specialty: How Pets Unleashed A New Classification of Property, 58 Gonz. L. Rev. 165 (2023).
  5. Prof. Beyer’s unpublished manuscript Electronic Wills: The Changing Future of the Estate Practice (available at: []), is cited in the following article: Hannah Elliott, Electronic Wills: A Distinction Without Difference for Mississippi, 92 Miss. L.J. 799 (2023).
  6. Prof. Black’s article Who Owns Your Data? is cited in the following article: Zvikomborero Chadambuka, Efficiency, Equity, and Data as Private Property, 54 Seton Hall L. Rev. 1 (2023).
  7. Prof. Camp’s article The Play’s the Thing: A Theory of Taxing Virtual Worlds is cited in the following article: Eric D. Chason, Crypto Assets and the Problem of Tax Classifications, 100 Wash. U. L. Rev. 765 (2023).
  8. Prof. Camp’s article A History of Tax Regulation Prior to the Administrative Procedure Act is cited in the following article: Samuel D. Brunson & Christian A. Johnson, Good Intentions: Administrative Fiat and the General Welfare Exclusion, 100 Wash. U. L. Rev. 1411 (2023).
  9. Prof. Casto’s article Regulating the New Privateers of the Twenty-First Century is cited in the following article: Ryan R. Migeed, Avast, Ye Botnets!: Applying Lessons from the Law of Piracy to the Problem of Botnets, 54 Geo. Wash. Int’l L. Rev. 375 (2023).
  10. Prof. Chiappinelli’s article The Myth of Director Consent: After Shaffer, Beyond Nicastro is cited in the following article: Megan M. La Belle, Personal Jurisdiction and the Fairness Factor(s), 72 Emory L.J. 781 (2023).
  11. Prof. Corn’s article Self Defense Targeting: Conflict Classification or Willful Blindness? is cited in the following article: Laurie R. Blank, Analyzing he Legality and Effectiveness of U.S. Targeted Killing, 13 J. Nat’l Security L. & Pol’y 259 (2023).
  12. Prof. Corn’s article Beyond Human Shielding: Civilian Risk Exploitation and Indirect Civilian Targeting is cited in the following article: Carolyn Sharp, Instigator and Proxy Liability in the Context of Information Operations, 37 BYU J. Pub. L. 79 (2023).
  13. Prof. Corn’s article Strengthening American War Crimes Accountability is cited in the following article: Rachel E. VanLandingham, Captured in the News: Prisoners’ Words and Images as Lawful Weapons of War, 73 Syracuse L. Rev. 551 (2023).
  14.  Prof. Corn’s article The Gallagher Case: President Trump Corrupts the Profession of Arms is cited in the following article: Dan Maurer, War Crime Clemency: The President’s Self-(Defeating) Pardon, 82 Md. L. Rev. 581 (2023).
  15. Prof Corn’s article Targeting and Civilian Risk Mitigation: The Essential Role of Precautionary Measures is cited in the following article: Laurie R. Blank, The Sixteenth Waldemar A. Solf and Marc L. Warren Chair Lecture in National Security Law: Law of Armed Conflict in the Dark, 231 Mil. L. Rev. 147 (2023).
  16. Prof Corn’s article Regulating Hostilities in Non-International Armed Conflicts: Thoughts on Bridging the Divide Between the Tadic Aspiration and Conflict Realities is cited in the following article: Gabriella Blum, The Shadow of Success: How International Criminal Law Has Come to Shape the Battlefield, 100 Int’l L. Stud. 133 (2023).
  17. Prof. Corn’s article Autonomous Weapons Systems: Managing the Inevitability of “Taking the Man out of the Loop” is cited in the following article: Kevin Jon Heller, The Concept of “The Human” in the Critique of Autonomous Weapons, 15 Harv. Nat’l Sec. J. 1 (2023).
  18. Prof. Corn’s article Losing the Forest for the Trees: Syria, Law, and the Pragmatics of Conflict Recognition is cited in the following article: Cody Corliss, Digital Terror Crimes, 62 Colum. J. Transnat’l L. 58 (2023).
  19. Prof. Gossett’s article Take Off the [Color] Blinders: How Ignoring the Hague Convention’s Subsidiarity Principle Furthers Structural Racism Against Black American Children is cited in the following article: Marcia Zug, Brackeen and the “Domestic Supply of Infants”, 56 Fam. L.Q. 175 (2023).
  20. Prof. James’ article The African-American Church, Political Activity, and Tax Exemption is cited in the following book: W. Cole Durham & Robert Smith, Religious Organizations and the Law, §32:14. Political Activities Test (December 2023 Update).
  21. Prof. Lauriat’s article Semi-formal Copyright? The Past and Future of Orphan Works is cited in the following article: Eden Sarid & Omri Ben-Zvi, A Theoretical Analysis of Orphan Works, 40 Cardozo Arts & Ent. L.J. 585 (2023).
  22. Prof. Murphy’s article Punitive Damages, Explanatory Verdicts, and the Hard Look is cited in the following book: Lawrence G. Cetrulo, Toxic Torts Litigation Guide, § 4:32. Statutory Limitations on Punitive Damage Awards (December 2023 Update).
  23. Prof. Murphy’s article Separation of Powers and the Horizontal Force of Precedent is cited in the following article: Judge Joseph A. Greenaway Jr., Reflections on Stare Decisis, 83 Md. L. Rev. 1 (2023).
  24. Prof. Rosen’s article Katcoff v. Marsh at Twenty-Two: The Military Chaplaincy and the Separation of Church and State is cited in the following book: W. Cole Durham & Robert Smith, Religious Organizations and the Law, §32:3, History of Legislative Chaplaincy, and §32:10, Constitutional Challenges to Government Chaplaincy (December 2023 Update).
  25. Prof. Brie Sherwin’s article Service-Learning in the First Year Research and Writing Classroom is cited in the following article: Olivia R. Smith Schlinck, OK, Zoomer: Teaching Legal Research to Gen Z, 115 Law Libr. J. 269 (2023).
  26. Prof. Brie Sherwin’s article After the Storm: The Importance of Acknowledging Environmental Justice in Sustainable Development and Disaster Preparedness is cited in the following article: Luz E Herrera, Tayler Garner, Crystal Hernandez, & Lisa Mares, Establishing a Conditional Driver Permit in Texas, 24 Scholar: St. Mary’s L. Rev. & Soc. Just. 385 (2023).
  27. Prof Spain’s article Considerations for Mediation and Alternative Dispute is cited in the following article: Mary B. Culbert, Proposal: A New Unified Canon of Mediator Ethics, 39 Ohio St. J. on Disp. Resol. 1 (2023).
  28. Prof. Sutton’s article Harnessing Wind Is Not (By Nature) Environmentally Friendly is cited in the following article: Andrew D. Hersom, Our Biggest Fans: Nuisance Immunity for Grid-Scale Wind Energy Projects in Maine, 75 Me. L. Rev. 117 (2023).


  1. Prof. Murphy’s book A Guide to Judicial and Political Review of Federal Agencies is briefly summarized in the following article: Thomas E. Baker, A Survey of the Literature on Federal Appellate Practice and Procedure, 18 FIU L. Rev. 43 (2023).

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