
HeinOnline has rolled out several improvements to its interface and libraries in the past few months and has an exciting upgrade in the works. The popular database has a new interface designed to provide improved subject categories for publications, advanced searching capabilities, and improved site navigation. As of August 2015, Hein expanded the Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals to include 30 years of indexing and linking to articles contained in the HeinOnline database. And in response to subscriber feedback, Hein has announced they have a plan in place to index all Session Laws at the chapter or act level in the Session Laws Library. Texas Session Laws for the years 2005-2013 have already been completed as part of the first seven states to be indexed in this ongoing project.heinonline3

Collaborative Commons

Over the summer, the library was very busy shifting our collection on the first floor to other parts of the library.  This change was made because we recognized a need for more group study space.  Since this is the only non-quiet area of the library, students often come here to work on homework and study together.  With the absence of books and bookshelves, we were able to put in more tables and seating for a better group work experience.  collaborative commons, students