Bloomberg BNA’s Health Care Daily Report: Law Firms

This is the third in a four part series blog post spotlighting Bloomberg BNA’s Health Care Daily Report.

On Bloomberg BNA’s Health Care Daily Report’s home page, there is a Law Firms tab on the left side of the page. Under the Law Firms tab on home page, there are a few law firms listed, but there is also an All Law Firms button.

Below is a view of the home page. The green box indicates where the Law Firms tab can located on the home page.

Law firms

After clicking on All Law Firms, the website will lead you to a page with a list of law firms. The law firms are organized alphabetically. At the top of the screen you can choose what beginning letter you want to search by to find a specific law firm.

Below is a view of the Law Firms screen.

law firm list

When you click on a law firm, you can see the issues that the specific law firm has been involved in. Each specific issue will provide you with the date, headline, and a short synopsis of the issue.

specific law firm

After selecting a specific issue, the site will direct you to a page with a detailed article explaining what was going on in that specific case.

Below is a view of a specific issue that was selected under a particular law firm.


Access to Bloomberg BNA’s Health Care Daily Report can be found at the Texas Tech Law Library website under the electronic databases tab.

Author: Marin Dell

Texas Tech School of Law Library - Librarian, Attorney, Law Library Faculty, Adjunct Faculty, loves all things law, libraries and tech/Tech