Bloomberg Law Dockets Policy and Usage Interface

TTU users can access federal and state court dockets and documents on Bloomberg Law. Dockets usage by TTU academic accounts is subject to the academic dockets policy, which provides a $1500 individual user cap. This cap resets each year on January 1.

The annual cap of $1,500 applies to Update Docket, Track Docket, and Retrieve Docket. Any associated fees up to the annual cap of $1,500 will be waived for a TTU academic user. This means TTU users are not personally charged. When TTU users conduct any dockets transactions (i.e., Update Docket, Track Docket, and Retrieve Docket), you will receive a notice that fees will apply against your usage limit.

However, once you have exceeded your annual limit, you will receive a notice that you will be restricted from conducting docket transactions (where fees may be incurred) with a 30-day grace period. Once you have exceeded $1,500 and the 30-day grace period has ended, you will be restricted from conducting dockets transactions that are generally associated with fees.

To review your individual usage of the $1500 annual cap, you can view your account’s docket transaction charges by clicking on “My Account” on the top right of any page on Bloomberg Law, then selecting “My Dockets Billing.” It provides information about the user’s docket charges year to date.


The user dockets billing interface will display general account information as well as your account’s docket transaction charges:

For more information about dockets usage policy on Bloomberg Law, please contact Electronic and Digital Services Librarian, Dajiang Nie.

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